It has finally arrived...the last week of the semester! What a wonderful feeling to know that another chunk of time has gone by and you are that much closer to graduation! I already had two finals last Drugs final and my take home Epidemiology final. What a relief! This week I have my Principles of Health Education final (tomorrow morning) and then my dreaded Anatomy final (whenever I find time and feel confident enough to take it). I don't want to go too much into my feelings about Anatomy, but the bottom line is, the whole class is really unnecessary for the Community Health major. It's super hard and I am just praying that I pass. Please pray for me as well :) I think I will take the test Wednesday or Thursday. What a joyous day that will be!
As for the rest of the week, Josh and I are so excited to be going to Connecticut. We leave Saturday and don't come back until Jan. 3 (both of our dad's birthdays). It will be such a nice, long, relaxing break that we both feel like we need (and deserve). This semester has been pretty mellow for me. As for Josh, from my point of view, this semester was so much better than the Junior Core. He usually is done at night and had a lot more free time on the weekends. There really have only been two times this semester where I felt like Josh was so busy...recruiting week and now, finals week. He is handling all of his papers, projects, and exams very well and he will do great. I just keep saying to myself, "A few more days and then I get him for two weeks straight." I keep telling him, "Are you so excited for two weeks of straight cuddling?" Oh yeah...his absolute favorite (as my eyes roll). We will be visiting NYC while we are back east, seeing the Rockette's perform. I am thrilled!!! We may also splurge and see "Wicked," but I have not convinced Josh yet. It is really funny to see Josh have his first married Christmas. I guess there is no right or wrong way of doing things, but he is just so funny to watch.
Last night our home teachers came over with a message of thinking about Christ during this holiday season, and that sometimes we loose sight of the real meaning of Christmas. I would love to start a tradition with Josh now, of something we do every year. Then when we start having children, it will just be something we do at Christmas. Because I will admit, I love thinking about the presents and what I hope to get. But it would be really neat to go to a soup kitchen, or homeless shelter, or doorbell ditch treats to random people. The possibilities go on and on. Now we just need to decide what we are going to do. It's easy to say we will do something, but to actually follow through is different. Once we get to Connecticut we can talk to his mom or look up service opportunities in the area. What will you do this season to remember Christ? If you have any ideas, please share!!
Going back to the original idea of this post, good luck to all those who have finals this week. It is such a great feeling when we finish that last question on the last test. Hooray!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
My grown up Christmas List
In my life I go through phases. I went through a Tommy Hilfiger phase. All my clothes were T.H., my bedroom (my wall was the logo), my bathroom, and my purses! I was a little obsessed. Well recently it has been COACH. Now that I am older and more frugal with my money, I don't spend more than $20 on any article of clothing (besides shoes). But there is something that is just stunning about a brand new COACH purse. I don't know where I got this taste...not from my parents.
Right now at Macy's, there is a COACH cosmetic bag for purchase with an Estee Lauder fragrance. It's bright red, with the classic "C" all over it. Isn't it the cutest material item you have ever seen?? I could only find a picture on ebay. And I wouldn't mind all the stuff that comes with it!
My current phase is cross-body bags. And I have my eye set on this beauty ;)|0||p_weight|0&rec=12&pn=c&imagePath=ZB2987710
It would not let me copy the image. I am a little obsessed with it. I just think of how practical they are and how great it would be to always have my hands and arms free, nothing in my way. I can leave it on when I want to get something out, it goes with all of my outfits and would be great to carry around at school as well. They most definitely go with the next thing on my list...
They are so comfortable and light weight. I tried them on and did not want to take them off. The girl helping kept saying, "they're ONLY $100. Can you believe that?" Umm, is it just me or is $100 a lot of money? I guess it's a reasonable price for boots... Any way, I absolutely love them. I would use them all the time in Utah!
Now of course I didn't put any of these items on my Christmas list...what was I thinking?
Other things I asked for...J. Crew card, basically anything from the GAP ( , "Despicable Me" movie, knock-off Ugg's from Costco (I love my Ugg's soooo much), and Black TOMS (everyone should have a pair).
And maybe this is just a selfish post or it's for Santa to see ;) or it will be fun to reflect back to see what I wanted for Christmas this year.
Right now at Macy's, there is a COACH cosmetic bag for purchase with an Estee Lauder fragrance. It's bright red, with the classic "C" all over it. Isn't it the cutest material item you have ever seen?? I could only find a picture on ebay. And I wouldn't mind all the stuff that comes with it!
My current phase is cross-body bags. And I have my eye set on this beauty ;)|0||p_weight|0&rec=12&pn=c&imagePath=ZB2987710
It would not let me copy the image. I am a little obsessed with it. I just think of how practical they are and how great it would be to always have my hands and arms free, nothing in my way. I can leave it on when I want to get something out, it goes with all of my outfits and would be great to carry around at school as well. They most definitely go with the next thing on my list...
They are so comfortable and light weight. I tried them on and did not want to take them off. The girl helping kept saying, "they're ONLY $100. Can you believe that?" Umm, is it just me or is $100 a lot of money? I guess it's a reasonable price for boots... Any way, I absolutely love them. I would use them all the time in Utah!
Now of course I didn't put any of these items on my Christmas list...what was I thinking?
Other things I asked for...J. Crew card, basically anything from the GAP ( , "Despicable Me" movie, knock-off Ugg's from Costco (I love my Ugg's soooo much), and Black TOMS (everyone should have a pair).
And maybe this is just a selfish post or it's for Santa to see ;) or it will be fun to reflect back to see what I wanted for Christmas this year.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Another California Trip
Last week, Josh and I flew down to California for a week. Why you ask? Josh had interviews with a couple of accounting firms. We are hoping the interviews went well. Josh is so likeable, I can't imagine they went bad!
During the week, we played with the babies, tried to squeeze some homework in, and relaxed. The weather was amazing!!! We enjoyed Downtown Disney with one of Josh's accounting friends, strolled along Laguna Beach, and ate at my favorite, BJ's...twice! Lucky duck Josh got to eat out five different times!!! One night, while Josh was wining and dining, we took the kids to Pumpkin City. This little carnival-type park, has been around for years! My parents took me when I was a kid. And they have many more years of Pumpkin City ahead of them! Lillee and William loved just walking around, seeing the animals, and watching all the other kids there. Gracee and Gregory wanted to ride all the rides.
It was a good week, but it's always nice being able to come home. Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us stay. We will be back soon.
During the week, we played with the babies, tried to squeeze some homework in, and relaxed. The weather was amazing!!! We enjoyed Downtown Disney with one of Josh's accounting friends, strolled along Laguna Beach, and ate at my favorite, BJ's...twice! Lucky duck Josh got to eat out five different times!!! One night, while Josh was wining and dining, we took the kids to Pumpkin City. This little carnival-type park, has been around for years! My parents took me when I was a kid. And they have many more years of Pumpkin City ahead of them! Lillee and William loved just walking around, seeing the animals, and watching all the other kids there. Gracee and Gregory wanted to ride all the rides.
It was a good week, but it's always nice being able to come home. Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us stay. We will be back soon.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
It's Fall
I feel like it has been forever, but I haven't really had anything to blog about...until now! The other day, I picked Josh up from class and we drove up the canyon to Squaw Peak (yes, where our first kiss was). The leaves were so beautiful and fall is so nice right now. We were surprised to see how many people were at the lookout. Everyone had the same idea. I got a lot more pictures but I'll only put a few up.

Last night, we went with Tahnee and Tyler to the reception of Christina Pasqua (now Lloyd). The Pasqua's were our closest friends when we lived in Brentwood, and have stayed in touch with them all these years. It was a beautiful reception, the colors were black and red, there were feathers everywhere, the theme was very well coordinated, the bride and groom looked great, and the food was wonderful. Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture with the bride and groom. As all of you know, on your wedding day it is so hectic. That is the one thing I regret from my own day, is not getting enough pictures with people that came. Your thought process is all over the place, you want to make sure you say hello to everyone that comes (which I wasn't able to do either), the photographer doesn't know who she should be taking pictures of, ugh it's just a huge ordeal. So anyway, here is a recap of last night. (And they had a photobooth...we had a little too much fun with that!)

Monday, October 11, 2010
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
This weekend, Tahnee and I were invited to an overnight Bachelorette party in Park City for a dear friend, Christina Pasqua, who we have known since we moved to Brentwood. It was a BLAST! We both had so much fun. Tahnee and I left a little early to return something at the outlets. Luckily for us, Christina and the rest of the gang got a late start, so we spent over TWO HOURS at the outlets doing what we do best...SHOPPING! We were good though. Then we met up with everyone at The Caledonian. It was such a sweet set up. The other girls that came were so fun to be with. I definetly feel like a made some new friends over the weekend. I will have to get pictures from Tahnee, because I couldn't find my camera in time. It was a blast being with the Pasqua girls, Amy, Vicki, and Chrissy. I can't believe it has taken us so long to finally hang out! I am so excited for Christina and Cameron and their big day coming up! Congrats and thanks for letting us share this special time with you :)
Tonight, I got a text from Tahnee telling me that the entire GAP store is 40% off, including sale items. Well I have been waiting for a particular shirt to go on sale. So I said to Josh, "do you mind if I run over to the mall and see if they have that shirt I have been wanting?" Of course he doesn't care, but he stretches out his hand to me to shake mine and says, "Are you a shopaholic?" I reply yes, and then change my answer to no. I am a normal girl! He is convinced I have a problem haha. So Amy and I run over to the mall. GAP literally looks like a tornado has hit through the entire store. It was a disaster. I have never seen anything like it before. Mind you, this was at 8:00 tonight. There were sooooooo many people, manikins were knocked over, clothes were everywhere, employees running around like crazy, more clothes seemed to be in the back by the changing rooms than in the front of the store. After searching all the racks and tables in the very back of the store, I found the shirt I came for!!!
It may not look like much, but I can do so many things with this...belt around the waist, wear with leggings,'s going to be great. I am into baggy clothes these days, for more reasons than one (pregnancy not being one). I have been waiting for this shirt to be under $15 (originally $59.50). Tonight...$13!! Woohoo! Thanks Tahnee for the text.
Tonight, I got a text from Tahnee telling me that the entire GAP store is 40% off, including sale items. Well I have been waiting for a particular shirt to go on sale. So I said to Josh, "do you mind if I run over to the mall and see if they have that shirt I have been wanting?" Of course he doesn't care, but he stretches out his hand to me to shake mine and says, "Are you a shopaholic?" I reply yes, and then change my answer to no. I am a normal girl! He is convinced I have a problem haha. So Amy and I run over to the mall. GAP literally looks like a tornado has hit through the entire store. It was a disaster. I have never seen anything like it before. Mind you, this was at 8:00 tonight. There were sooooooo many people, manikins were knocked over, clothes were everywhere, employees running around like crazy, more clothes seemed to be in the back by the changing rooms than in the front of the store. After searching all the racks and tables in the very back of the store, I found the shirt I came for!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Called to Serve
Yesterday, Tahnee, Tyler, Josh and I, dropped Michael off at the Missionary Training Center, right here in Provo. He flew in Tuesday night, we made spaghetti and just hung out. The next morning, I had an interview at a law office (have a second interview tomorrow) and Michael got all his stuff packed and ready to go. Tahnee came over, then we went to pick up Josh at the beloved Tanner building. While we were there, we saw Tyler...long story short...he jumped in the car and the five of us met up with Lisa, Nicole, Heidi, Kasey and Karilyn at Kneaders for lunch.
Afterward, we drove up to the temple and took some pictures. And the curb. For those of you who have not been through the new experience of dropping off a missionary at the MTC, this is how it goes. Pull up to one of the 25 stations along the curb, where there are missionaries there waiting to help you with whatever you need, park, get out of the car, the missionaries tell you to take as much time as you need, say your good-byes, get the luggage out of the trunk, and he is off. Just like that.

Good luck Elder Neilson. You will be great. What a wonderful experience and a great time for us, return missionaries, to reflect back on our time that we spent serving the Lord. There is not one day I have been home where I have not thought about my mission. It is a part of me and will always be. Last night, Josh and I kept talking about how crazy the whole experience it is and how we are so glad we made the decision to go. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I love hearing of people making the choice to go, sacrifice what is going on in their personal lives and dedicate 100% to the Lord. I have a good friend from high school, Ashley Coleman, who just left to NY, NY North and a former roommate who just got called to Chile Santiago. I am so happy for these girls. I know it will bless their lives forever! I have been home for 3 1/2 years and it has blessed me in more ways than I can even comprehend. I know that Josh is certainly one of those blessings. I can't wait until the day where the two of us get to go together. How awesome is that? You can pick your companion?! After I got off the phone with my friend Maggie (who is going to Chile), I told Josh, "I hope all of our girls go on missions." I know that my experience serving a mission will help in my marriage, when I am a mother, in all of my future church callings, and in every other aspect of my life. Now it is Michael's turn. He will come to understand the gospel better than he ever has, gain a testimony stronger than ever before, and make relationships with people he will never forget. The next two years for him is going to be a roller coaster of emotions. There will be bad days, there will be good days. There will be times where he wants to give up, there will be times where he will never want it to end. There will be companions he will become best friends with, and there will be those he wants an emergency transfer. He will feel the spirit so much and will be guided to those who are ready and willing to accept the gospel in their lives. Oh to be a missionary again, and only be focused on the work of the Lord, to not worry about work, school, a social life, the opposite sex, what's on TV, etc. Michael is going to have a great time explaining the principles and ordinances of the church, inviting people to be baptized and to become apart of the Lord's kingdom here on Earth. There are days where I miss being a missionary, but I know I can always be a missionary...we all can in our daily lives, by being an example to those we associate with. I am not trying to bear my soul here, but to just remember how I loved my experience out in the mission field and how Michael will just as much! Good luck and God Speed Elder ;)
Afterward, we drove up to the temple and took some pictures. And the curb. For those of you who have not been through the new experience of dropping off a missionary at the MTC, this is how it goes. Pull up to one of the 25 stations along the curb, where there are missionaries there waiting to help you with whatever you need, park, get out of the car, the missionaries tell you to take as much time as you need, say your good-byes, get the luggage out of the trunk, and he is off. Just like that.
Good luck Elder Neilson. You will be great. What a wonderful experience and a great time for us, return missionaries, to reflect back on our time that we spent serving the Lord. There is not one day I have been home where I have not thought about my mission. It is a part of me and will always be. Last night, Josh and I kept talking about how crazy the whole experience it is and how we are so glad we made the decision to go. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I love hearing of people making the choice to go, sacrifice what is going on in their personal lives and dedicate 100% to the Lord. I have a good friend from high school, Ashley Coleman, who just left to NY, NY North and a former roommate who just got called to Chile Santiago. I am so happy for these girls. I know it will bless their lives forever! I have been home for 3 1/2 years and it has blessed me in more ways than I can even comprehend. I know that Josh is certainly one of those blessings. I can't wait until the day where the two of us get to go together. How awesome is that? You can pick your companion?! After I got off the phone with my friend Maggie (who is going to Chile), I told Josh, "I hope all of our girls go on missions." I know that my experience serving a mission will help in my marriage, when I am a mother, in all of my future church callings, and in every other aspect of my life. Now it is Michael's turn. He will come to understand the gospel better than he ever has, gain a testimony stronger than ever before, and make relationships with people he will never forget. The next two years for him is going to be a roller coaster of emotions. There will be bad days, there will be good days. There will be times where he wants to give up, there will be times where he will never want it to end. There will be companions he will become best friends with, and there will be those he wants an emergency transfer. He will feel the spirit so much and will be guided to those who are ready and willing to accept the gospel in their lives. Oh to be a missionary again, and only be focused on the work of the Lord, to not worry about work, school, a social life, the opposite sex, what's on TV, etc. Michael is going to have a great time explaining the principles and ordinances of the church, inviting people to be baptized and to become apart of the Lord's kingdom here on Earth. There are days where I miss being a missionary, but I know I can always be a missionary...we all can in our daily lives, by being an example to those we associate with. I am not trying to bear my soul here, but to just remember how I loved my experience out in the mission field and how Michael will just as much! Good luck and God Speed Elder ;)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
1st Semi-Annual Conference Breakfast
This morning, Josh and I hosted our first Semi-Annual Conference Breakfast before the morning session of General Conference. It was a lot of fun. We had a lot of Josh's cousins and Karilyn represented my side of the family! Josh made waffles, and other delicious food was brought. And since this was the FIRST breakfast, you better believe there will be one in April. Those of you who missed out, will be sure to come in six months!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
So Long, Farewell
This past weekend, Josh and I went down to California with Tahnee and Tyler for Michael's mission farewell. It was a VERY quick trip. We left about 1:00 pm on Friday and came home around 4:00 pm on Sunday. While we were there we took family pictures, which is always a blast with four little ones. Afterward, I took Gracee and drove up to Anaheim to try a new skin care product. My face has been breaking out a little more than desired and I have a friend who, basically, swears on LUSH products.

I only had a couple hours and that is the closest store. There is no store in Utah, either :( I am becoming a huge fan of LUSH and also think if you have tried everything out there for your skin and nothing works, give this a try. Later Saturday evening, my cousin Aubree got married to Kasey Cowan. It was so fun to be with the whole family. Aubree looked great, the wedding ceremony was very nice, and the reception was awesome. I loved the food, apples, cupcakes...YUM! Congrats to the Cowan's! Sunday was Michael's farewell. He did a great job and it is so crazy that it is actually time for him to go. He will be great.

Although, his Visa has not come, so he will be flying into SLC on Tuesday and we are going to take him to the Provo Missionary Training Center. It will be a really neat thing to take him. It was so much fun to see everyone last weekend and Josh and I are already looking forward to Thanksgiving!!! I know...jumping the gun a little bit.
Yesterday, I went to the Cardiologist and everything is pretty much ok. He said he cannot hear the leak in my tricuspid valve...woohoo!! We talked about a few other having a baby. He said waiting a couple years would not be a bad idea. Phew! I really want a baby (don't get me wrong), but I really want to be done with school before I start that chapter of my life.
Everything is going really well with Josh and I. Life is good...we have no complaints :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
He Joined the Club
The 25 year old club that is!!! Josh had his birthday yesterday and what a fun day it was! Unfortunately, the older you get, you cannot really enjoy the WHOLE day, but around 3:30 Josh finally got home from class and we were able to finally celebrate.
He came home to this...
When he walked in the door I exclaimed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I gave my husband a big kiss and bigger hug (like I do everyday when he walks through the door), but this time it was different because there were PRESENTS to open and a great MEAL to eat. Of course when I asked Josh what he wanted to do, eat or open gifts first, he quickly said open presents! Side note: Josh's family LOVES presents. When I went to his house last Christmas, I arrived at about midnight to his house. His mom stayed up to meet me and asked if I wanted to open presents then or in the morning. Then in the morning, I met his sister Rachel, and she asked pretty quickly, are you going to open presents? I got the impression that they all love this. So I totally know where Josh gets it! I sat Josh down on the couch and he started reading his cards and opening gifts.
Then we ate a delicious meal (didn't get any pictures...sad day) that I made (not to brag or anything) with the help of Eve, Josh's mom, and her time in sending me the recipe for one of Josh's favorite meals...Hawaiian Haystacks. I think Josh was pretty surprised and right when I told him he asked me, "did you get the recipe for my mom?" Haha he probably wanted me to make it just right. It tasted delicious!! THEN I told him one more little surprise...

Of course it's mint...his favorite.
Later that night we went to an eventful Accounting social. It was pretty fun...lots of desserts! They sent all the spouses into a room for question and answer time. That was nice to kind of have a more casual setting and ask whatever we wanted too. Overall, it was a good day. I love birthdays and can't wait for next year!!!!
He came home to this...
Then we ate a delicious meal (didn't get any pictures...sad day) that I made (not to brag or anything) with the help of Eve, Josh's mom, and her time in sending me the recipe for one of Josh's favorite meals...Hawaiian Haystacks. I think Josh was pretty surprised and right when I told him he asked me, "did you get the recipe for my mom?" Haha he probably wanted me to make it just right. It tasted delicious!! THEN I told him one more little surprise...
Later that night we went to an eventful Accounting social. It was pretty fun...lots of desserts! They sent all the spouses into a room for question and answer time. That was nice to kind of have a more casual setting and ask whatever we wanted too. Overall, it was a good day. I love birthdays and can't wait for next year!!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Latest Happenings
I have been horrible at keeping this thing updated lately. So let me just fill you in on what has been going on lately...
Josh and I went to CA to baby-sit the twins while the rest of my family spent the week in San Diego. We had a blast! Josh was rather busy tending to other important matters.

He met with all of the "Big Four" accounting firms in the Orange County offices. He went out to fancy-shmancy breakfasts and lunches, met with professionals that worked with the various companies and toured each office. It was great exposure and he was really glad he did it. He even met with people who know the Neilson's!! He enjoyed the OC offices a lot and would not be disappointed if that's where he ended up working.
Jess and Trent came to stay with us and enjoy a few days in southern California. We went to the Irvine Spectrum, Newport Beach, they were able to have Golden Spoon, enjoy the tidepools in Corona del Mar, and more. Hopefully they weren't bored too much, as Josh and I were in by 5:00 pm with the babies.
The last day we were there, my brother, Michael, went to the temple for the first time. It was a great experience. Later that night, we went with him, his friend, Eli, to Downtown Disney and then to a new outdoor shopping/dining place in Anaheim. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory (you can never go wrong).

The next morning, we flew back to Utah in order to start school the next day. In addition to starting school, I started my internship at the United Way with the "Welcome Baby" program. So far I love it. I am doing mostly administrative work in the office, but occasionally get to be out on site for different events. I will be doing this internship for two semesters.

After the first week of school, we had some friends over for a movie night. Well, let's just say we never watched the movie. We just had too much to say to each other. It was fun catching up and enjoying each others company. It might not happen again (at least for a while) due to everyone's hectic school schedules. And I finally got to use my adorable dessert plates I bought at Tai Pan before Josh and I were even married! I know my pictures look like a bridal/baby shower, but I just love doing things like that.

Some other fun things that have happened...
Meg's missionary friend came home from Brazil and we have been able to get to know him a little bit. We love Ty and think they are really cute together. Oh, I can't forget to mention I beat Meg in NERTS! ;) Sorry Meg...but it will probably never happen again!!

The girls and I went to a Women's Expo at the UVU Events Center. It was a lot of fun. And I got my hair done... (the only picture too)

Michael came into town for a week. We were able to go out for (an early dinner) Josh's birthday to Tucano's. I have footage of Josh shaking his hips...a little bit. (I'll have to post that later)
Then we had my cousins, Amanda and Rachel, over for dinner on Sunday.

Life has been going pretty well with my only complaint being to the Accounting program of giving my hubby too much homework. Yesterday I got news that my job was no longer in need of me. I was hired on a trial run, basically, and while I am sitting in class I get a text saying we no longer need you, don't worry about coming in today. It wasn't really a shock to me. I kind of sensed it was coming. I really have been wanting to quit, it just makes me mad they got to me before I could say anything to them. Honestly, I don't know why they did hire me, they have plenty of enough people to do my job and a lot of time to do it. I am not upset, but more relieved. But I am kind of looking for another part-time job. Luckily, my internship is paid so I still feel like I am contributing financially, in some small way, and I am not as stressed as I probably would be if I had no income coming in at all. I went to get my last paycheck today and turn in my key. I asked my office manager if I could still use them as a reference because I have learned new stuff working there that may be applicable to a future job. She explained that they "let me go" not fired me and that it is all on good terms. Phew!
That is all that has been going on in our small Whitmore family. Stay tuned...tomorrow is Josh's birthday!!!!

Josh and I went to CA to baby-sit the twins while the rest of my family spent the week in San Diego. We had a blast! Josh was rather busy tending to other important matters.
He met with all of the "Big Four" accounting firms in the Orange County offices. He went out to fancy-shmancy breakfasts and lunches, met with professionals that worked with the various companies and toured each office. It was great exposure and he was really glad he did it. He even met with people who know the Neilson's!! He enjoyed the OC offices a lot and would not be disappointed if that's where he ended up working.
Jess and Trent came to stay with us and enjoy a few days in southern California. We went to the Irvine Spectrum, Newport Beach, they were able to have Golden Spoon, enjoy the tidepools in Corona del Mar, and more. Hopefully they weren't bored too much, as Josh and I were in by 5:00 pm with the babies.
The last day we were there, my brother, Michael, went to the temple for the first time. It was a great experience. Later that night, we went with him, his friend, Eli, to Downtown Disney and then to a new outdoor shopping/dining place in Anaheim. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory (you can never go wrong).
The next morning, we flew back to Utah in order to start school the next day. In addition to starting school, I started my internship at the United Way with the "Welcome Baby" program. So far I love it. I am doing mostly administrative work in the office, but occasionally get to be out on site for different events. I will be doing this internship for two semesters.

After the first week of school, we had some friends over for a movie night. Well, let's just say we never watched the movie. We just had too much to say to each other. It was fun catching up and enjoying each others company. It might not happen again (at least for a while) due to everyone's hectic school schedules. And I finally got to use my adorable dessert plates I bought at Tai Pan before Josh and I were even married! I know my pictures look like a bridal/baby shower, but I just love doing things like that.
Some other fun things that have happened...
Meg's missionary friend came home from Brazil and we have been able to get to know him a little bit. We love Ty and think they are really cute together. Oh, I can't forget to mention I beat Meg in NERTS! ;) Sorry Meg...but it will probably never happen again!!
The girls and I went to a Women's Expo at the UVU Events Center. It was a lot of fun. And I got my hair done... (the only picture too)
Michael came into town for a week. We were able to go out for (an early dinner) Josh's birthday to Tucano's. I have footage of Josh shaking his hips...a little bit. (I'll have to post that later)
Then we had my cousins, Amanda and Rachel, over for dinner on Sunday.
Life has been going pretty well with my only complaint being to the Accounting program of giving my hubby too much homework. Yesterday I got news that my job was no longer in need of me. I was hired on a trial run, basically, and while I am sitting in class I get a text saying we no longer need you, don't worry about coming in today. It wasn't really a shock to me. I kind of sensed it was coming. I really have been wanting to quit, it just makes me mad they got to me before I could say anything to them. Honestly, I don't know why they did hire me, they have plenty of enough people to do my job and a lot of time to do it. I am not upset, but more relieved. But I am kind of looking for another part-time job. Luckily, my internship is paid so I still feel like I am contributing financially, in some small way, and I am not as stressed as I probably would be if I had no income coming in at all. I went to get my last paycheck today and turn in my key. I asked my office manager if I could still use them as a reference because I have learned new stuff working there that may be applicable to a future job. She explained that they "let me go" not fired me and that it is all on good terms. Phew!
That is all that has been going on in our small Whitmore family. Stay tuned...tomorrow is Josh's birthday!!!!

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