Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Naomi Is Ten Months Old

On Monday, Naomi turned ten months old! She is such a busy, squirmy, calm, cuddly baby. I love her to pieces. I hang out with her all day and it is such a joy and I feel very fortunate.

Naomi is into everything! She puts everything in her mouth! She loves my food and prefers it over baby food (can you blame her)! And I am misty excited she only has two more months of formula! I hate buying it and making bottles, but so so so grateful for them too!

She has funny personality, always tilts her head, like she’s really trying to understand what you’re saying. She can turn on the charm when people walk by and then whine soon as they’re out of sight. Ha! 

Charlotte and her have the sweetest relationship still (thank heavens) and she lights up when Charlotte gets home every day from school! (Charlotte our this birthday crown on her to celebrate her “birthday.”) 

She still doesn’t have any teeth. We are hoping those start to come in soon, but we also have to consider her adjusted age. She will pull herself up on me if I’m laying next to her but not up on the furniture. She’s still so little. 

Everyday I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing our family with this little spirit. She is just what we needed!! 

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