Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Cardiology Update

Last Thursday, we drove to Atlanta for my doctor appointment. We made great time getting there and both girls did really well. It is so nice doing these long car rides in a van. Charlotte was in the very back, all camped out, I sat next to Naomi in the middle and Josh was in the front listening to his uninterrupted NPR.

Once we arrived, I got Josh and the girls situated in the cafeteria and I ran downstairs to radiology. I was scheduled for two CT scans. Of course, I had to get an IV.  Luckily, the phlebotomist was excellent and I hardly felt it (or my veins are just numb by now)! Once I laid on the table, I immediately closed my eyes. I can’t look at how close I am to the machine as you go in and out of the tube. Once I was done with that, we all went and met with my cardiologist. I basically told her I want the surgery ASAP! Why let things keep getting worse? She also explained that this valve replacement surgery is very rare with Transposition patients. It sounded like it’s never really been done. Which made me nervous.  She assured me the surgeon is one of the best and he does intervention operations all the time.  I really thought these were routine, but with the way my heart is and how it has been re-routed, it makes things extremely complicated.  GREAT!!  

On Monday I met with my Cardiologist here in Charlotte.  He made me feel better I was having it done in Atlanta by telling me they have never done this surgery in Charlotte.  Yikes.  But of course, I'm the rare case.  He explained that this could go one of two ways.  It could make things go really well or it can actually make my overall heart function worse, therefore needing a heart transplant even sooner.  This pregnancy has really been taking a long term toll I never realized.  

I am still not exercising.  I brought it up with both my cardiologists again and they want me to not do any.  Because of my recent sedentary (at least somewhat) lifestyle, my back is in constant pain.  I had a massage on Saturday, hoping to help.  It did for a little bit, but of course, I feel like those are only temporary if they aren't consistent.  I think I am going to start seeing a chiropractor again.  I have gone in stages of doing so.  I did see one for a few weeks during my pregnancy and it really did help.  I am also having weird stomach pains that I don't know what they would be related to.  Overall, I feel like my body is literally falling apart.  I am hoping to find some relief in the near future and start feeling like a new woman!!

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