Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Where did the last 4 years go?

Charlotte turns four today. WHAT?! I just cannot believe I have a four year old. But more of what I am amazed and grateful for is my miracle baby. I can't hold the tears back when I think about the way this little girl has changed my life. How can I love this little human so much? Why did Heavenly Father send her to me? I feel like the luckiest mom. 

Charlotte's little existence started as quite the surprise to me, Josh and our whole family. We got pregnant a lot sooner than we had planned, but we all know how that goes! We were thrilled from the moment we found out I was pregnant and for nine months, we kept imagining our lives with a little baby. Charlotte was born right after we moved from Provo, UT to Orange County, where I tell Josh all the time, was the best year of my life. We had lovely doctors, loved where we lived and from the moment Charlotte entered the world, I enjoyed every second of her. 

I was induced two weeks early and after having an incredible pregnancy, I had an even better delivery. We opted out of having her go to the nursery each night and she slept in my hospital room. Josh went with her to all her testing the rest of the day. The day after she was born, Josh had to leave and move us in our apartment. That was one of the hardest days. It was actually horrible. I realized right then and there the special bond the three of us instantly had. While Josh was gone, Charlotte was next to me in her little bed and I just looked at her and talked to her and told her how much I loved her. I still do that every day! Josh came back that evening and we had an emotional reunion. We hate when he has to be gone from us.
{Birth Story}

The next year was amazing. We went to Disneyland at least once a week, the beach frequently, and we went swimming like every day. Josh made sure we were having fun and living a great life. I am so grateful I could savor every moment with Charlotte. I do feel very fortunate. 

When we moved to Charlotte, NC, I had a hard time adjusting but luckily, I always had Charlotte. She brought so much happiness to me and cheered me up even on my saddest days. We spent so many days at Carowinds, exploring new parks and splash pads, hanging out with friends and continued to have so much fun together! 

Now we are in Atlanta and she is more lively than ever. She always makes up songs and asks, "Mom, is that a sad song it a happy song.?" She loves reading books and is great at her alphabet. She can spell and write her own name and gets smarter every day. She is very into her baby dolls, playing in her kitchen, coloring, and painting with water colors. She gets excited to go to Sunbeams and preschool. This school year, she will be attending every day along with ballet after school one day a week and "Playball" once a week, exposing her to different sports! Charlotte shares well and has lots of friends at school. Her teachers always have nice things to say! She loves her cousins and talks about them all the time. She is having a lot of fun living by Eleanor and seeing her often. She keeps everyone laughing and wants to be included in everything. 

Josh and I love Charlotte. She is our everything. We are so proud of the little girl she has become and look forward to all that she will accomplish. 

Today she will be going to school, taking donut holes and goodie bags for her friends (since we aren't doing a party this year) and then there will be some fun surprises during the day. Josh will be home for a special birthday dinner, presents and dessert. Yes, I am baking a cake per Charlotte's request! 


(If you have read until now, wow! Even though I'm not good at blogging anymore, I have to record my feelings.)

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