Monday, April 30, 2012


Finally got some more graduation pictures.  I'm just going to throw this out there, but the BYU pictures turned out way better than the UVU pictures.  It's sad, but true.  The sun was in our eyes the whole was bad.  Josh and I were looking through all the pictures and the grad cap--yeah, that does NOTHING good for either of us.  We are fully aware so don't feel bad to say, "wow, that cap doesn't flatter Josh OR Tiersha!"  It is the weirdest feeling to know all weekend I didn't have anything due on Monday.  I kept thinking about it and stressing over nothing.  It's great.  The BYU ceremony was 100 times better than the UVU ceremony.  Ours was painful to sit through.  It wasn't organized at all, no music during the names, each graduate had like a whole minute to accept their diploma, the majors weren't grouped was a long, awful process, but it's over.  We appreciate everyone coming out to celebrate both, Josh and I.  The Whitmore's, Rach, Dan, Yvonne, my family, Alma and Audrey, Tyler's family, Grandma and Grandpa Sheppard, Robyn, anyone else I missed?  Thank you for all your love and support!!  Now on to the pictures (what you really care about)!

Baby Tess and her many expressions

After Commencement

 Proud Parents

 Proud In-laws

 Proud Wives




  1. Tiersha! Congrats on your big accomplishment! Also, I am totally loving your beautiful, striped dress! So cute! :)
