Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Pregnancy and Heart Update

Friday, December 8, we had the baby's anatomy appointment and my cardiology appointments.  We drive down to Atlanta, GA each time. We have a fantastic team of doctors working with us and it was an easy choice to keep them and make the commute from SC.  

We are so thrilled to say that the baby is healthy and BIG (already).  They said she was measuring at 10 ounces, when my app said she should almost be 7 ounces.  It made me laugh. They checked everything from head to toe and explained that everything looked like it was developing perfectly.  They did an early fetal echocardiogram and what they could see ruled out Transposition of the Great Arteries (which is what I have) and what they could see looked great.  That really put my mind at ease.  I have been having these weird thoughts from day one about the baby and it was just paranoia.

When we got to the cardiology department (a completely different campus and side of Atlanta), they ran an EKG, pacemaker test, echocardiogram, and other vitals.  Here was the conclusion:

My tricuspid valve, that was replaced ten years ago because of a leak, is now leaking at a "severe" level.  Which currently means I am heart failure...again.  What does this really mean??  When my valve is leaking, the backwash goes into the lungs, which makes it hard to breath and for me to have zero energy.  They have upped my medication dosages in hopes that this can control the leak and help to not retain so much fluid.  My doctor, Dr. Book, has recommended that I do NO kind of physical work at all.  Not to vacuum, mop, and if I need to walk, make it very leisurely; and that all my energy has to go to the baby.  

When a woman is pregnant, her heart works 50% more, and that begins between weeks 22-28.  I have not hit that yet.  I will be 19 weeks tomorrow.  So the worst is yet to come.  During these weeks, actually starting now, it will be crucial to basically do nothing and just let my body rest.  If the home medication is not working and my heart simply cannot take the pregnancy any longer, I will be admitted to the hospital during my January 19th appointment, put on IV diuretics, and stay until the baby is born.  We are trying to prolong this and keep the baby in as long as it is healthy for my body.  

I am a busy body and love being out and about.  Staying home and down is hard for me.  Allowing the house to stay messy until Josh gets home is hard (and it's only been a couple days).  Most of you other women probably can understand.  I still take Charlotte to school and pick her up because I literally am sitting down.  Her teachers get her out and bring her back.  Thank goodness for Walmart Grocery pickup, I do that every Monday right after I drop off Charlotte.  Again, just sitting in the car. Our ward (local church congregation) has been so accommodating and willing to serve us at this time.  

As for how I am feeling, completely wiped out.  Within a day I could feel the effects of the medication and am tired from the moment I wake up in the morning.  Luckily my in-laws are coming for Christmas and I know we will be in great hands.  My MIL will stay with us after the holidays are over and then my mom will come at some point and so will Tahnee.  I really do feel so fortunate to have the best support system.  This is going to be a group effort.  I cannot do this on my own.  I knew getting pregnant would cause some challenges and that is why I waited so long to make a decision.  We are ready to face whatever comes our way and know that Heavenly Father is on our side and everything will be wonderful in the end.  We are so excited for this baby girl to come to our family.  We have been waiting for her for five years and she is exactly what we need to complete our eternal family!