Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

 Last night, we took Charlotte to her first pumpkin patch at Pumpkin City.  I have grown up going to Pumpkin City and always looked forward to taking my own family :)  We wanted to take her out Trick-or-Treating tonight with her aunts and uncles, but she was asleep when everyone left and we didn't want to disturb her.  Next year though...although, she still might be too young.  Josh and I went with my dad and the kids tonight around the neighborhood to be a little festive.  Then I had to go back to feed my child!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Utah Trip and Meg's Wedding

Josh and I never anticipated our return to Utah to be so soon after we left just a few months ago; but when Meg announced she was getting married in October in UTAH, we were excited to return.  i have to admit, it was a bit emotional as I drove back to the condo where Josh and I started our married life.  It was so weird to be there all week knowing it wasn't my home anymore.  But we all have to move on eventually, right?  I went up on Tuesday, October 23 and spent all week with the Whitmores.  It was so fun for everyone to finally meet Charlotte.  Josh joined us on Friday night.  We don't want to be apart ever.  Even though it was only a few days, Josh was texting and calling all day everyday while I constantly sent pictures of Charlotte.  He did not like being away from his baby!  The wedding day (Saturday) was gorgeous and everything turned out perfectly.  The day started out with a breakfast at the Lion House hosted by Adam's parents (Thank you Jenny and Mic!).  After a great meal, we all headed up to the Bountiful temple where the sealing was performed.  Meg and Adam were a stunning couple.  We took pictures then headed back to the condo to relax a bit before the reception.  The reception was at Sleepy Ridge in Orem and it was so beautiful!  The whole day was fantastic! 

More details and pictures to come!

Tahnee's Weekend in CA

I know I'm a lot behind on blogging but I finally am sitting down, ready to update the entire public on what we have been up too lately!

Two weekend ago, Tahnee came to California for a few different events and let's be honest, seeing her niece was at the top of her list ;)

We got together with some cousins...

Went to Paige and Darren's Sealing...

The Pitts/Tippets were in town...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cousins Galore

Over the weekend, my cousin Jessica had a bridal shower. Yay! Another cousin getting married. I'm pretty sure this is the first time where two Neilson's are getting married in the same month! There were cousins and babies galore celebrating Jessica and Juan. We wish you well and hope you have a lovely wedding and life together!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

One Month Old

 Today Charlotte is one month old.  WHAT?!?!  I tried to take cute pictures but she didn't want to cooperate, but at least you can see her long legs in this photo!  I love this little girl to pieces.  Josh can't get enough of her either.  Literally all we do is stare at her.  Charlotte is such a great baby and (not to brag) but she loves her mama.  I love that no matter what, I can pick her up and everything is OK.  She sleeps a ton and is very alert when she is awake.  We have had her out and about from day one- she is good in her car seat, sleeps right through loud noise (including the vacuum and Volleyball warm-up music), she loves being faced out when held, being on her tummy, and cuddling with me in bed.  I can't wait for the next month and see how she develops and meets more of the Whitmore family in a couple weeks!  I love you baby girl!!

Pumpkin City

This weekend, my parents went to Utah for my dad's 30th mission reunion.  And yes...I babysat :)  Josh studied and took his third CPA exam on Saturday.  It was a long weekend, especially with a new baby and by myself, BUT I managed and all the kids are still alive.  Saturday, Annie and I took the four little ones to Pumpkin City, while Pam Von Zup watched Charlotte for me.  It was so nice and would have been impossible for me to take her.